Hey there

If you follow me on Instagram, you’ll know that I’ve just returned from a week in Cyprus. What you won’t have seen is that whilst I was there, my nan passed away, and although I was amongst my best friends in a beautiful place, seemingly living the dream, my heart was broken. She was my favourite person in the world. Let this be your reminder today that what you see on social media isn’t always the whole picture.

What a cheery way to start my first post on this website… I’m sorry!

When something big happens in life, a huge loss, a curveball you didn’t see coming, a seismic shift in the humdrum of daily life, it’s also an opportunity to consider what other areas of your reality might need some attention. What can you control?

Hence, this website. Inspired by a recent newsletter from Lottie Murphy, a brilliant fellow Pilates teacher, as well as honouring the memory of a truly special lady who lived a life she dreamt of, I’ve sat myself down and I’ve finally made a website. Because I’ve got a vision, and it’s time to make it happen.

I have a day job, I work in marketing with an employer, I also work freelance as a writer for independent creative businesses, and I teach Reformer Pilates at a gorgeous studio by the sea, Sea Breeze Pilates. My life is full, it’s full of a wonderful family, partner, a giant Ragdoll cat named Bear, and time spent working on a career I adore.

No matter the kind of day I’ve had, the second I step into the studio, I feel at peace. Regardless of whether I’m taking a class or teaching, Pilates has a way of resetting my day, reframing my thoughts, and using my body in a way that just feels really, really, lovely.

I’m taking my Mat Pilates teacher training this summer, and in October I’ll be trained in Barre, too.

So, welcome to the Emily Bridger Pilates website, I’ll be updating this blog with musings of a Pilates teacher, lifestyle recommendations, inspiration, and hopefully a little humour along the way (because this one was a barrel of laughs).

Please consider joining my mailing list to read the latest newsletters, blogs, and class updates as they come.


My favourite Pilates equipment