Tips for your first Reformer Pilates Class

Attending your first Reformer Pilates class can feel a bit intimidating. The machines look like they could double as a torture device, you’ve seen videos on social media of impossible looking exercises where the person defies the laws of physics, and you might not, shock horror, have seemingly obligatory matching set from ALO Yoga or Lululemon.

In this blog I wanted to share my best tips for your very first Reformer Pilates class, so you can get the absolute most out of your session, feeling confident(ish) and prepared.

Check if your local studio offers orientations or beginners sessions

A lot of good studios will offer some sort of orientation or taster session, often free or at a reduced price, this is a great chance for you to dip your toes into reformer pilates, without jumping into the deep end. At the studio I teach at, we run 30 minute sessions throughout the week for this very reason.

In these sessions you’ll be shown the different parts of the machine and what they are for, you’ll then do a few exercises to get you used to moving on the reformer without the pressure of a full class.

They are also a great place to meet other people who are also beginners, who knows, you might make a new Pilates friend!

Wear something you feel comfortable in, get grippy socks if you can

Make sure you wear something comfortable to your class, avoiding anything with zips if possible, they can damage the machine!

Grippy socks are a great investment if you can get them, not only are they more hygienic, but they’ll offer grip during exercises that could get slippy! I like Toesox, if you’re looking for a good brand.

If you feel confident, it can be very helpful to wear tighter fitting clothes, this allows the teacher to see your true form in each exercise and offer better corrections. Of course, it’s more important that you feel comfortable, so this isn’t completely necessary.

Listen to the teachers corrections/feedback

During your class, your teacher should be checking your form throughout. Even as an instructor, I still recieve corrections when I’m attending a class. Pilates exercises are quite prescriptive, so they will be helping you get the most authentic experience of the exercises as possible to maximise your experience.

A reminder that nobody knows you better than you know yourself and I encourage you to be an advocate for yourself, adapt where you need, and don’t feel bad for sitting an exercise out if it doesn’t feel good!

Note: The instructor may offer hands-on corrections (I always ask clients if they’re happy with this, but if yours doesn’t, don’t be shy and let them know if you’d rather they didn’t physically touch you).

Accept that you won’t know it all

When you’re in your first class and you can’t remember the ball of your foot from your heel, your imprinted spine from your neutral, inhale to your exhale, please don’t stress! It’s a LOT of information to remember, the teacher is there to guide you through the class, correct and encourage you.

The breath patterns will come in time, just breathe above all else.

The neutral and imprinted spine will feel like second nature if you just keep coming to class.

The ball of your foot might always get confused with your heel, and that’s okay. Correct and move on!

A friendly reminder that Pilates is not something you ‘complete’, it’s an ongoing practice.

I implore you to keep one phrase in your mind that has helped me immensely. A fellow teacher shared it with me after she was told it to calm her teaching exam nerves:

“It’s just Pilates - It’s not brain surgery”.

Have fun with it. Move your body in that delicious juicy Pilates way. Be kind to yourself. Be present. Challenge yourself. Grow and learn. Do something for you.

I really hope you enjoy your first class, let me know how you get on!


My favourite Pilates equipment